As of May 2004, this may be the biggest test case yet! We use almost all of the UMLs in this test. The purpose of this test case is to demonstrate how to setup a VPN where access to all services behind the gateway is permitted, while at the same time, permitting OE connections that may not access those services. For the purposes of testing we actually set up three levels: 1) daytime service - everyone may connect 2) port 2, OE + VPN may connect. 3) port 3, only VPN may connect. The network looks like: .--------. .--------. | | | | | north | | road | | | | | `--------' `--------' | | `------------| | | .--------. .--------. .--------. .--------. .--------. | | | | | | | | | | | sunset |------| west |-----| nic |-----| east |-----| sunrise| | | | | | | | | | | `--------' `--------' `--------' `--------' `--------' East and West have a VPN. East has OE enabled. Road is an OE client North is a road-warrior that is part of the VPN. North is supposed to also be able to connect to sunset, through two hops.